Trading Signals:
TMF filled at $67.89.
UDN stopped out with loss. The system will try to long dollar. Set UUP buy stop at $21.90, stop loss around $21.20.
The system will try to long Russell 2000 tomorrow. Set TNA buy stop at $45.53, stop loss around $34.57. This is a pyramid position if indeed triggered.
The system will try to long gold tomorrow. Set DGB buy stop at $58.69, stop loss around $52.79.
The system will try to long oil tomorrow. Set UCO buy stop at $36.12, stop loss around $29.74.
So far the system had 19 tradings, 100% winners if not due to gap down the next day. So gap really is a big problem here. Guess if the breakeven stop loss is too close to the current close price, we may need further reduce the position?