TZA and TMF buy order filled but UCO buy order not filled and no longer valid.
Great day for the portfolio but it could be much much greater if I didn’t close DZZ and UUP emotionally. I’m kicking myself now, I’m an idiot, yes I am, don’t ever try to disagree with me (although I know nobody would actually disagree ). Can I beat 80%+ winning rate system? Apparently I cannot, then why I kept overriding rules? I should be shamed for being trading so many years while still not disciplined enough! Now the problem is, with DZZ and UUP having apparently climax run, I cannot lock any profits here which means I could eventually lose all the gains!
Since the SCO daily bar low is above the entry price so set the breakeven stop loss. And again, according to the new rule, I shouldn’t do the half out. Because of the above DZZ event, this time I decide to strictly follow the rule. Hopefully I won’t need kick myself again tomorrow asking why I’m so greedy!
Cobra, nice report. Do you still believe the Santa rally this year? When does the Santa rally start usually? thanks.
I do believe.
Santa Rally usually refer to the last 5 trading days of the year and the first 2 trading days of the new year.
I must Thank you for a really good laugh this morning. Gold is my primary focus and I sat and watched /GC blow down thru 1705 like my eyes were lying to me. Also beat myself up good that afternoon. Alf Fields has a Beautiful life story ( and a life time Investor experience) about gold on Jim Sinclair’s (about 2 weeks back) . I think that anything gold requires a fundamental understanding. It/we are in a millenial battle. So your personal impulses are not off at all